Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Face Presentation

Brow Presentation or Face Presentation (FP).   
Saw this word for the first time on my hospital discharge summary report. 

No matter how much you read on the topics of pregnancy and birth when you are pregnant, there's always something you miss. Who knew my baby would choose to come into the world through an FP? 

Statistics say only one out of 300 deliveries are FPs.  Normally, a baby is born head first. The chin is bent towards the chest. But in an FP, the chin is stretched, the neck is extended backwards, as if the baby is looking up. 

They say if an FP is mismanaged, there is the possibility of birth defects and skull trauma. 
Saw this video on FP while writing this post. 

A million thanks to God and the doctors for ensuring my baby was delivered safely, that she was fine and did not suffer any pain/swelling of face or any other trauma. Today, the more I read about FP and watch images or videos related to it, the more grateful I am for my baby's safe delivery. My C-section delivery apprehensions be damned! I have a healthy baby in my hands. That's what matters. 

But on the day of the delivery and post that, I was really upset. I kept asking myself, and Sathya - why did our baby choose to come this way?  Why couldn't she have not flexed her neck muscles? Why couldn't she have 'looked down', tucked her chin into her chest and come out like hundreds of other babies? I could have easily had a normal delivery. We could have saved money and post-delivery recovery time spent in the hospital. I had no complications, whatsoever, during my entire pregnancy period nor on the day of the delivery. No pain or contractions or bleeding or high BP. Not even water discharge. Just the news that the baby will exit the womb today. So did the baby look up on the day of the delivery or at the moment of her entry into the world? When did she actually flex her neck? It certainly did not show up in any of the scan reports or during the weekly physical examinations. 

I have decided to take solace in the words of the operating doctor who said, "Nim magu thale yetti, aakasha nodkond bandide." (Your baby has held her head high and is coming, looking up at the sky.)


  1. The Supreme Doctor has decided which way the baby should touch her life outside the womb for the first time,Sujatha. May God bless her and help her hold her head always high.

    1. thathastu to that - hold her head high always :) :)

